Options for Aging in Place in Palm Beach County & Why It Is So Beneficial

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senior living aging in place palm beach countyOver the past few years, the options available for home remodeling dedicated to aging in place in Palm Beach County have grown in leaps and bounds. There are more state-of-the-art selections available now for universal design than ever before. However, the problem is that not enough Palm Beach County remodeling contractors are staying abreast of the most current options.

This means homeowners get stuck working with someone still offering facility-like, utilitarian fixtures and products. It may get the job done but not as good as newer alternative selections could. Nor do outdated choices offer any of the pleasing visual aesthetics modern options do.

What You Need to Know About Aging in Place in Palm Beach County

So what are some ways in which your existing house can be transformed into a home meant for aging in place in Palm Beach County?

  • For one thing, this often means widening the doorways to make room for a walker or wheelchair. The idea is to make the space more accessible for those who are living with limited mobility.
  • The bathroom remodeling is an important factor. This is about the right commode height, temperature controls outside the shower to avoid scalding and so much more.
  • Another key factor in making your home more user-friendly is the kitchen remodeling. We can lower counters for wheelchair accessibility, or raise them to avoid hunching over while using.
  • For safety, it is also vital to have non-slip surfaces for flooring.
  • While the benefits may seem obvious, people do not always realize all of the advantages there are. For one thing, it is always optimal when someone can stay in their home as opposed to an assisted living facility.
  • Research indicates that people live longer and have a better quality of life, when they can age in place. Studies also show that, even with factoring in the initial cost of remodeling the home, it is still more cost-effective for a senior to stay at home than move to an assisted living facility.
  • When it comes to family visits, they are more readily accessible for visits to the home than a facility. For one thing, as assisted living facility is often a further drive. Plus, the family has a place to stay while in town so they can stay and visit longer, as opposed to the brief daytime visiting hours at a facility.

The bottom line is that most seniors would prefer to have the freedom to remain in their own home. The same holds true for anyone who may be facing limited mobility and considering making the transition to an assisted living center.

Local Palm Beach County Aging In Place & Universal Design Experts

Universal design in Palm Beach County is meant for anyone facing these types of challenges, regardless of age. So let the pros here at JS-1 Construction provide you with the service you need to get the job done.

If you are interested in the many options available for Aging in Place in Palm Beach or Broward County, please call JS-1 Construction at 954-410-9566 or complete our online request form.

Jane Snell

Jane Snell